Although cryopreservation of avian semen is only applicable for singlegene traits, cryopreservation of avian blastodermal cells could facilitate preservation of the entire genome of endangered or rare-breed poultry. Slow freezing methods result in acceptable survival rates; however, there are apparently no reports regarding the use of vitrification. The aim of the study was to establish methods for chicken embryonic cell vitrification, including development of a container which supported cryopreservation of large numbers of cells (to increase the probability of chimera production). Based on a preliminary study, vitrification seemed to be practical for avian blastodermal cell preservation. Pieces of mosquito net as carrier increased live cell rates compared to pellet form in media containing two macromolecules. Furthermore, we concluded that fetal calf serum in the vitrification medium could be replaced by polyvinylpyrrolidone, a chemically defined substance free of unwanted growth factors and potential pathogens.