In this study, the prevalence of small ruminant lentivirus, i.e. Maedi-Visna and caprine arthritis encephalitis virus infections in sheep and goat populations were investigated through epizootiological serosurveillance in the Aegean region located in western Türkiye in 2018. A total of 1,840 serum samples (595 goats, 1,245 sheep) were collected from 92 villages in the region and examined by indirect ELISA. Thirty-nine goat and 304 sheep sera were found positive for small ruminant lentivirus antibodies. The prevalence was 24.42% in sheep and 6.55% in goats. An average of 18.64% was found in small ruminants in the Aegean region. The prevalence of small ruminant lentiviruses was found to be higher in Pirlak and Pirlak hybrid sheep and in Saanen and Saanen hybrid goats (P < 0.05). The prevalence was found to increase with age, as it was higher in animals older than 48 months than in the age groups of 0–24 or 25–48 months (P < 0.05). Moreover, the small ruminant lentivirus prevalence was higher in sheep than in goats (P < 0.0001). With the epizootiological approach, this study is expected to contribute to the control and prevention of small ruminant lentivirus infections.
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