Rearrangement of land resources following the political changes in Hungary has not ended yet. It is almost impossible to collect information necessary for planning activities on outer areas of settlements. The data are either distributed among various organizations where they can be found in diverse forms, or are not available at all. Water quality protection, however, has become legally ordered concerning municipal activities around the Lake Balaton. This region is considered as the most important recreation area and tourist target in Hungary and is also affected by a number of factors providing sources to environmental conflicts. Settlements of a watershed (Tetves Creek) on the southern shoreline of Lake Balaton (Central Hungary) tendered a complex task for collecting the sources of the authentic data of the Hungarian rural areas along with systematizing and saving these data in a uniform GIS. An application using Autodesk MapGuide has been developed for Internet realization. The implemented web based GI system can be used in Internet and Intranet environment.