Modelling the flow and transport of fluids (water and non-aqueous phase liquids or NAPLs) in porous systems or soils requires the accurate and reliable determination of basic input modelling parameters, such as liquid retention (Pc–S) and conductivity (Ksat, Kh). Methods for the determination (measurement and estimation) of water retention and conductivity have improved enormously over the last 60 years (Table 1). Promising results verified the applicability of pedotransfer functions (PTF) and their incorporated versions into software and submodels. However, the development of models was only aimed at improving methods with which these hydrological parameters could be determined for water, while calculations for NAPLs can still only be made indirectly. Several studies (e.g. in the petroleum industry, and research for environmental or hydrological purposes) revealed differences in the relationship between the hydraulic properties and pore system of the porous solid phase. Interactions (swelling-shrinking, desaggregation, etc.) between the phases may be significantly different in water/soil and NAPL/soil systems, affecting the efficiency of modelling. However, relatively few well-documented results have been published on the measurement of these hydraulic properties for NAPL-type fluids using a sufficient number of real, especially undisturbed soils. The establishment of databases of this sort might provide a basis for creating and developing PTF-type estimation methods for predicting NAPL retention and conductivity. Furthermore, it might improve our knowledge on interactions specific to the solid and fluid phases of pore systems, and also on the soil properties influencing the pore size distribution of soils (e.g. soil structure, the size distribution, morphology or stability of aggregates) and their relationship with the hydrophysical properties of the soil.
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