Márta M.-Hamvas University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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C. Máthé University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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G. Vasas University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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Katalin Jámbrik University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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Mária Papp University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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D. Beyer University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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G. Borbély University of Debrecen Department of Botany, Faculty of Science and Technology Egyetem tér 1 H-4010 Debrecen Hungary

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This work focuses on the comparative analysis of the effects of two cyanobacterial toxins of different chemical structure cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and microcystin-LR (MC-LR) on the white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seedlings. Both cyanotoxins reduced significantly the fresh mass and the length of cotyledons, hypocotyls and main roots of seedlings in a concentration dependent manner. For various mustard organs the 50% inhibitory concentration values (IC50) of growth were between 3–5 μg ml−1 for MC-LR and between 5–10 μg ml−1 for CYN, respectively. Cyanotoxins altered the development of cotyledons, the accumulation of photosynthetically active pigments and anthocyanins. Low MC-LR concentrations (0.01 and 0.1 μg ml−1) stimulated anthocyanin formation in the cotyledons but higher than 1 μg ml-1 MC-LR concentrations strongly inhibited it. The CYN treated chlorotic cotyledons were violet coloured in consequence of high level of anthocyanins, while MC-LR induced chlorosis was accompanied by the appearance of necrotic patches. Necrosis and increases of peroxidase enzyme activity (POD) are general stress responses but these alterations were characteristic only for MC-LR treated mustard plants. These findings provide experimental evidences of developmental alterations induced by protein synthesis and protein phosphatase inhibitory cyanotoxins (CYN and MC-LR) in a model dicotyledonous plant.

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Acta Biologica Hungarica
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Founder Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
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