S. Stambouli Faculty of Sciences of Tunis University, Tunis El Manar Morphogenesis and Plant Biotechnology Research Unit University Campus 1060 Tunis Tunisia

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S. Bouzid Faculty of Sciences of Tunis University, Tunis El Manar Morphogenesis and Plant Biotechnology Research Unit University Campus 1060 Tunis Tunisia

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P. Dutuit Paris-Sud XI University Ecotechnologie Laboratory, Faculty of Pharmacy of Châtenay-Malabry 5 rue Jean Batiste Clément Châtenay-Malabry, Hauts-de-Seine 92290 France

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Fethia Harzallah-Skhiri University of Sousse, Higher Institute of Agronomy of Chott-Meriem Agrobiodiversity Research Unit Sousse Tunisia

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The objective of this study was to vary the mineral composition of the culture medium of Prosopis farcta seedlings per addition of Na+ and Ca++ ions with the aim to identify the culture media which support the growth and/or the expression of the in vitro plant organogenesis. The Na+ and Ca++ ions were added in the culture medium in various concentrations by taking the Gamborg medium, in which macroelements were diluted 10 times, as the basic one. After two months of culture, parameters relating to the vegetative development of plant seedlings and to the various expressions of organogenesis were measured. Weak concentrations in sodium and calcium ions as well as a weak concentration in Ca++ (0.1 mM) with 50 mM in Na+ support the best vegetative development of the plantlets. The most important percentage of plant seedlings presenting a bud initiation was obtained on a medium containing 0.1 mM of Na+ and 50 mM of Ca++. Our study defined several media likely to support in vitro development of Prosopis farcta plantlets allowing the selection of salt tolerant plants or cellular lines. Some other media were chosen for improving micropropagation of the species without adding growth substances.

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