Klaudia Borowiak Poznań University of Life Sciences Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection ul. Piątkowska 94C 60-649 Poznań Poland

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Agnieszka wujeska Poznań University of Life Sciences Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection ul. Piątkowska 94C 60-649 Poznań Poland

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The cumulative ozone effect on morphological parameters (visible leaf injury, plant height and leaf growth, number of bean pods, petunia flowers and stalks) was examined in this study. Well-known ozonesensitive (Bel W3) and ozone-resistant (Bel B) tobacco cultivars as well as bean cv. Nerina and petunia cv. White cascade, both recognized as ozone sensitive, were used in the experiment. Investigations were carried out at two exposure sites varying in tropospheric ozone levels. Ozone negatively affected the leaf growth of both tobacco cultivars and bean. A negative relation was also found for ozone concentration and tobacco plant height. Number of petunia flowers and stalks and bean pods was positively correlated with ozone concentration. This could have been connected with earlier plant maturation due to faster generative development of plants in ozone-stress conditions.

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