“From Western Europe to Central Europe”. Example from Vas Country in Transdanubia, Hungary . The relation between the World and Hungary, and its population has changed since the change of regime in 1989. The political, economic and social openness has started such progression that has changed the life conditions of both the individuals and the communities. Our sample, if it could be typical in this case, it could also be atypical . Iklanberény, the town which we examine, is the second smallest in Vas county, which is typically a county of small towns. The situation of Iklanberény is in many ways very interesting. As far as I am concerned the foreigners have chosen this town to move into without any special reason, but it is a fact, that after the first family moved in, more and more have come and settled. Nowadays about 10–14 foreigners — mainly Germans — (30%) live there besides the Hungarians. The foreigners live there either constantly or periodically, dependent of their work, economic interest, and in some cases it is also a question of Hungarian origin, or simple personal sympathy, cultural interest or the will to learn. They can not really take part in the town’s public life, because of work occupation, lack of relatives and friends, and of language difficulties, but with gestures, donations they constantly show how they are planning to stay and build up an existence there. They believe their ‘complete’ integration is very problematic, and their age, as well as language communication problems make it quite unlikely to happen. The future is hard to see for their foreign employees, their children — if — taking on their businesses, within the possibilities of the European Union. Still it is definitely sure that their presence in Iklanberény, in the past ten years, has made positive changes in the life of the little town, regardless of their limits. Also they are helping to make the future of their “second home” positive.