In this study we analyze the correlation of the corporal “upper part” and “lowest part” as a cognitive basis of the Ukrainian substandard. This paper focuses on three major questions. First, how comparable structure “lowest part like upper part” constructs metaphor models of sexual slang and invective usage. The second goal was to consider the identification of “lowest part” and “upper part”. Our third aim was to define the comparable structure “upper part like lowest part”. Thus the famous theory of M. Bakhtin on the carnival nature of the corporal “upper part” and “lowest part” has been developed. The models “lowest part like upper part” and “lowest part like lowest part” are relevant for sexual slang. Three models “lowest part like upper part”, “upper part like lowest part”, “lowest part like lowest part” are relevant for invective usage and horse-play. The cognitive, semantic and stylistic potential of the selected subgroups depends upon the direction of the vertical movement along the human body and comparable specificity of its opposed parts.