The Anabaptists, who started to settle in Moravia after 1526, brought with them the production of faience. They were concentrated mainly in the demesnes of Southern Moravia (current districts of Břeclav, Hodonín, Uherské Hradiště and Znojmo), but after 1620 as non-Catholics, the Anabaptists had to leave. They went mostly to the neighbouring Kingdom of Hungary, today the western region of Slovakia where they continued to produce faience. After the Anabaptist community disintegrated in the last quarter of the 17th century, the production of faience was taken over by individual craftsmen.
The Moravian Museum in Brno holds one of the most representative collections of Anabaptist faience in the Czech Republic. Its origin dates back to the early years after the foundation of the Francis Museum, the predecessor of today’s Moravian Museum. At present, it comprises around 250 items.
CERNOHORSKY, Karel 1931: Pocátky habánských fajánsí [Early Habaner Faience]. Zvláštní otisk z Vestníku Zemského muzea v Opave (Sborník E. W. Brauna). Opava.
CERNOHORSKY, Karel 1952: K pocátkum fajansové výroby na území Ceskoslovenska [On Early Faience Production on the Territory of Czechoslovakia]. Ceský lid 39, 21–28.
CERNOHORSKY, Karel 1941: Moravská lidová keramika [Moravian Folk Ceramics]. Nakladatelství J. Otto, Praha.
HORVÁTH, J. Eugene –KRISZTINKOVICH, Maria H. 2005: A History of Haban Ceramics. A Private View. Vancouver.
KALESNÝ, František 1981: Habáni na Slovensku [The Habaner in Slovakia]. Tatran, Bratislava.
KALINOVÁ, Alena 1984: Pocátky národopisného studia lidového umení a sbírka keramiky v Moravském muzeu [Early Ethnographic Studies of Folk Art and the Ceramic Collection of the Moravian Museum]. Casopis Moravského muzea. Vedy spolecenské 69, 231–238.
KALINOVÁ, Alena 1985: K vývoji sbírky keramiky v Moravském muzeu [Notes on the Development of the Ceramic Collection in the Moravian Museum]. Casopis Moravského muzea. Vedy spolecenské 70, 269–274.
KALINOVÁ, Alena 2008: Výzkum novokrtenské (habánské) keramiky v Moravském zemském muzeu pred rokem 1945 [Research into Anabaptist (Hutterite) Ceramics in the Moravian Museum before 1945]. In: H. DVORÁKOVÁ (ed.): Hanák na Pacifiku. Zapomenutá osobnost Františka Pospíšila. [A Man from Haná on the Pacific Coast. The forgotten figure of František Pospíšil.] Moravské zemské museum, Brno, 115–127.
KUDELKOVÁ, Alena - ZEMINOVÁ, Milena 1961: Habánská fajáns v Umeleckoprumyslovém muzeu v Praze a Brne [Habaner Faience in the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague and Brno]. Umeleckoprumyslové muzeum, Praha.
KYBALOVÁ, Jana 1995: Keramická sbírka Hugo Vavrecky [Ceramic Collection of Hugo Vavrecka]. Kentaur, Praha.
KYBALOVÁ, Jana –NOVOTNÁ, Jarmila 1981: Habánská fajáns 1590-1730 [Habaner Faience 1590-1730]. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Royal Summer House at Prague and in Dum umení in Brno. Praha–Brno.
LANDSFELD, Herman 1950: Lidové hrncírství a džbánkarství. Besedy o remesle džbánkarském, hrncrirském a kamnarském [Folk pottery. Talks about the faience-, pottery- and stove-craft]. Orbis, Praha.
PAJER, Jirí 2001: Novokrtenské fajánse ze Strachotína [Anabaptist Faience from Strachotín]. Regionální muzeum, Mikulov.
PAJER, Jirí 2006: Studie o novokrtencích [Studies of Anabaptists]. Etnos, Strážnice.
PAJER, Jirí 2011: Anabaptist Faience from Moravia 1593–1620. Catalogue of documents from institutional and private collections. Etnos, Strážnice.