Gizella B. Árgyelán MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Company, Exploration and Production Division H-1039 Budapest, Batthyány u. 45, Hungary

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Horváth Péter Laboratory for Geochemical Research, Research Centre for Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences H-1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary

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The heavy mineral assemblages and chemistry of detrital spinel grains from the Senonian basin of the Transdanubian Range (TR) were examined and compared with previous results from Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous successions of the Gerecse Mountains of the Transdanubian Range Unit. The heavy minerals recorded that in the area of Transdanubian Range the sedimentary cover, low-grade metamorphic and granitic rocks of the continental crust were eroded in the Coniacian and Santonian. Detritus of high-grade metamorphics was transported to the bathyal basin during Campanian time. The ophiolitic source area indicated by the presence of chrome spinel, ilmenite and magnetite still existed and persisted through the Late Cretaceous.  Compared to the low TiO2 content (lower than 0.2 wt%) of detrital spinels from Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments of the Gerecse Mountains, the most characteristic features of spinels in the Senonian sediments are as follows: exceptionally high TiO2 content (about 0.5-4.7 wt%), relatively high amount of Cr2O3 (about 33-50.8 wt%) and high total iron (sumFeO=15-36 wt%). The data on detrital spinels from the Ajka Coal and Csehbánya Formations suggests that xenoliths (mainly dunites), which previously enclosed the spinel grains, may have been formed from alkalic-tholeiitic magma as crystal accumulates. This was the potential source rock of high TiO2-bearing spinel grains.

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