The Magura Nappe is the innermost tectonic unit of the Western Flysch Carpathians and is linked with the Rheno-Danubian flysch of the Eastern Alps. Toward the east this unit runs as an arc from Austria through the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, and then narrows in Eastern Slovakia before disappearing east of Uzhhorod (Trans-Carpathian Ukraine). The Magura Nappe is dominated by Paleogene deposits. In the Ukrainian Carpathians, SE of the Latorica River, the position of the Magura Nappe is occupied by the Marmarosh Flysch Zone. Two facies-tectonic units have been distinguished in this zone - the external Vezhany and the internal Monastyrets' units. Both the Magura Nappe and Marmarosh Flysch revealed the same geotectonic position, lithofacies development and a similar diachronic distribution of Eocene/Oligocene facies in the basins. The Vezhany succession could be regarded as the equivalent of the Fore-Magura thrust sheet in Poland, whereas the Monastyrets resembles the Rača development of the Magura Nappe in Poland and Slovakia.
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