In the 1990s detailed geologic exploration in the eastern part of Mórágy Hill (Hungary, southeastern Transdanubia) provided a great deal of new knowledge on stratigraphic features. Making use of and reinterpreting all available geologic data, our study gives an overview of the surface and subsurface extent of the Late Neogene and overlying Pleistocene beds, their stratigraphic position, thickness characteristics, as well as lithology, facies and age. We also cover in detail the stratigraphic position, accumulation type and age of the granite rubble, together with the Tengelic Red Clay Formation, previously unknown in the area. A theoretical section of the characteristics of the Paks Loess Formation is shown, based on the data of Mórágy Hill and the Tolna Hegyhát Hills, defining and describing its lithological units. Using the large number of accurately evaluated borehole sections in the region it could be proved that the Hungarian loess stratigraphy elaborated by the specialists of the Geographic Research Institute could be applied regionally in the Mórágy Hill area as well. Moreover, we offer a detailed classification of loess formations in the area, along with the description of their different horizons. The correlation of the specific horizons of sections allowed us to reveal local differences in formations. These deviations can be explained by one-time environmental differences brought about by local morphologic features and different degrees of exposure, or due to the effect of a more humid microenvironment, long-lasting soil development or slightly coarser parent rocks. On the other hand the absence of loess and/or paleosol horizons in some sections could have been the result of subsequent erosion. Concerning their genetic features, Pleistocene-Holocene fluvial, slide-affected, deluvial and proluvial deposits will be discussed separately.
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