Eperkés Hill is a thoroughly studied classic exposure, yet its facies interpretation is still debated. The issue is whether Upper Triassic - lowermost Jurassic carbonates are regular beds or blocks embedded within the Kimmeridgian-Berriasian limestone. The answer to this question is important for the interpretation of the structural evolution and paleogeography of the Transdanubian Range area at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary; we decided therefore to contribute to the solution by applying paleomagnetism to the problem. We tested several regular beds and suspected olistoliths from two artificial exposures. In order to check the consistency of the paleomagnetic signal on site level, we drilled three or more cores from each, and subjected them to standard paleomagnetic laboratory processing and evaluation. We found that magnetic parameters were distinctly different for "regular" beds and for suspected olistoliths, but that the paleomagnetic signal was consistent within every site. However, between-site consistency was extremely high for regular beds, but was non-existent for the "megabreccia" horizon. Thus, our results confirm that older limestone was moved and re-deposited during the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, indicating geodynamic conditions similar to those in the Northern Calcareous Alps.
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