Obsidian samples from different localities of various geologic settings (Armenia, Hungary, Iceland, Mexico, Slovakia and Turkey) were analyzed by particle induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) technique and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Samples from Mexico and Iceland show higher alkali and REE content as well as higher Nb and Ta abundances than the other samples. Discrimination diagrams show samples from Mexico and Iceland to belong to WPG. The position of the samples from the Tokaj Mts is also definite, and it corresponds to the expectation (VAG or VAG+syn-COLG fields). Using a Li-B diagram the obsidian samples can be distinguished according to their geographic distribution. By means of a Ce-Ti diagram, obsidian from the Tokaj Mts can be divided into three groups that may correspond to the archeometrical C2E, C2T and C1 groups. Phenocrysts in the obsidian samples from the Tokaj Mts, and the Aragats Mts (Armenia) were detected and analyzed by micro-PIXE (proton induced X-ray emission) method. In this way silicate minerals (zircon, pyroxene, biotite, plagioclase feldspars), ore minerals (chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite), and other non-silicate mineral (anhydrite) were identified.
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