The newly discovered crustal xenoliths from Miocene andesites in the Mátra Mts (Northeast Hungary) were classified into three petrographic types. Type 1 is a garnetiferous, plagioclase-rich cumulate rock, presumed to originate from the felsic portion of the nearby Szarvaskõ-Darnó mafic igneous complex. The almandine-rich garnet has been inferred to be of granulite facies origin. Garnet - orthopyroxene geothermobarometry on the orthopyroxene - plagioclase corona structure around it indicates a later high temperature (800-950 °C) low pressure (3-4 kbar) retrogression event. Type 2 is also plagioclase-rich cumulate rock with contact metamorphic assemblage containing spinel, corundum and andalusite, which crystallized in the course of dehydration reactions of biotite and/or smectite in hornblende hornfels to sanidinite facies conditions. Type 3 is microsyenite, which contains abundant anorthoclase and minor amount of Na- and K-rich kaersutitic-barkevikitic amphibole.