A Jurassic marginal depositional system of the Adriatic carbonate platform was analyzed in order to determine its depositional architecture and major depositional controls. Based on their facies characteristics, seven lithofacies units have been distinguished, which constitute four paleoenvironmental associations: top of the platform (shallow subtidal below and above the fair-weather wave-base), upper foreslope, toe-of-slope and basin. The environmental changes are interpreted to be related to tectonic activity as a consequence of regional extensional movements, connected with the opening of the Dinaridic branch of the Neo-Tethys. These extensional movements resulted in multi-stage drowning of the northeastern part of the Adriatic carbonate platform, leading to its gradual back-stepping and accordingly the expansion of the pelagic basin. The interpretation presented here can serve as a useful model for re-evaluating previously analyzed sections of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform margin.