Dermatophytosis is a major health problem all over the world including Pakistan. This is the first report of detection of dermatophytes and their antifungal drug resistance in the Northern and Western parts of Pakistan. A total of 154 samples were collected from different hospitals of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and out of them 136 samples were found positive. Tinea corporis (35%) was the most predominant type of infection followed by Tinea capitis (22%). The fungi identified in Tinea corporis infection types were identified as Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Epidermophyton floccosum. The fungi identified in Tinea capitis included Trichophyton violaceum, T. mentagrophytes, Microsporum ferrugineum. The gender wise distribution showed both males (52%) and females (48%) were infected with the fungi. More cases belonged to the rural parts of the country. Age wise distribution showed that the infection was more prevalent in the children and the prevalence decreased with the increase in age. The positive samples were checked against two antifungal agents: fluconazole and nystatin. Among 136 positive samples, none of the isolates showed resistance to nystatin while 7% of the samples showed resistance to fluconazole. The resistant isolates were then identified by amplifying the 18S rRNA gene, using universal primers (ITS1, ITS4). Among the 9 resistant isolates, 5 isolates were identified as Trichophyton spp., 3 as Microsporum spp. and 1 as Epidermophyton spp.
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