Szapáry, Gy. - von Hagen, J. (eds): Monetary Strategies of Joining the Euro. Cheltenham, Glos. UK and Northampton, MA/USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc., 2004, 228 pp. (Reviewed by László Csaba); Mihályi, P.: Bevezetés az egészségügy közgazdaságtanába (Health Economics - An Introduction). Veszprém: Veszprém University Press, 2003, 348 pp. (Reviewed by Ádám Török); UNCTAD: The World Investment Report 2003 - New Lessons for Central Europe. New York and Geneva: UNCTAD, 2003, 303 pp. (Reviewed by Zoltán Pogátsa); L. V. De Souza - B. van Aarle (eds): The Euroarea and the New EU Member States. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 239 pp. (Reviewed by Merdan Halilov);