Birdseye primrose (Primula farinosa subsp. alpigena) is a strictly protected plant species of the Hungarian flora. Natural occurrences of the species are known from two fen meadows situated in a tectonic depression accompanying Lake Balaton. The restoration and management of recipient vegetation have a great importance because of the wide range fluctuation in number of individuals of the species for several years. In 2001 coenological behaviour was examined in classical and meso scale. Field data were collected by modified Zürich-Montpellier method and 1 m × 1 m quadrats as transects marked by environmental gradients with cover estimation by eye collecting presence-absence and quantitative data. Examining the classical and transect quadrats ecological indication, preferences and significance between species and habitats were revealed focusing on Birdseye primrose. In addition 8 soil parameters were analysed in Primula rich and Primula free sites of the habitats. The aim of our investigation was to broaden the knowledge about the biotic and abiotic habitat preferences of Birdseye primrose. According to our results not only the textural features (e.g. species composition, abundance) are insufficiant to save this species from extinction but the pattern and physiognomy of vegetation have more significance. The tussock-fen window complex provides prominent situation with its nudum surfaces offering favourable abiotic conditions and low competition. The effects of other characteristics of preferential sites (e.g. gap size, litter or moss cover) in micro scale are substantial in all probability. With this knowledge restoration and managing plan were executed focusing on two aspects: the maintenance of population size via directed seed dispersion and plantation and controlling of biotic as well as abiotic factors in the natural habitats.