The bryophyte vegetation of three acidophilous forest communities of radiolarian bedrock was investigated in the Bükk Mts in Hungary. The frequency and the spatial pattern of 7 dominant species were studied in permanent quadrate blocks for three years using Four-Term Local Quadrate Variance (4TLQV) spatial pattern analysis. The size of quadrate blocks were 3,600 cm2 consisted of 20 × 20 cell network and the used data type were the weighted shoot density of the occurring species. The maps and variograms of the occurred terricolous bryophyte species were calculated with a program package called PASSAGE (Pattern Analysis, Spatial Statistics and Geographic Exegesis). The examined bryophyte species were: Ceratodon purpureus, Dicranum scoparium, Hypnum cupressiforme, Leucobryum juniperoideum, Polytrichum formosum, P. piliferum. Using other type of temporal observation methods the results of the analysis is useful for characterising the spatial pattern and temporal dynamics of the examined populations of these bryophyte species within a habitat type.