Iris rich meadows have been introduced in the last couple of years as Iridetum sibiricae in Hungary, but have not been confirmed by studying sampling plots. It is a rare, edaphic, semi-natural edge vegetation of subcontinental climatic zone on alluvial surfaces. In our study characteristic species composition and vegetation structure integrated with ecological considerations are described. Analyses were carried out by phytosociological tables, chorographical types, relative ecological indicator values and social behaviour types. Most of the vegetation phenomena indicated in general descriptions and overviews are supported. This community is species rich, 3-layered vegetation with a multi-dominating species pool. High proportions of constant and accidental species, Molinietalia and indifferent coenological elements, Eurasian and European and sub-Mediterranean distribution types, competitors and specialists have large importance in this vegetation structure. Its life form strategy is based on the balance between hemicryptophytes and geophytes. Using ecological indicator values, habitat characteristics and phytogeographical status of the association had been revealed.