Haloxylon aphyllum is a significant species adapted to salinity conditions and plays an important role in stabilising soil, providing forage, and serving as a source of firewood for residents. In this study, the genetic diversity of four populations of H. aphyllum in Iran was examined using four primers to assess genetic diversity, which produced a total of 41 bands. The AMOVA test showed that the studied populations differed in their genetic content. Specifically, 46% of genetic variability occurred within populations, while 54% arose between populations, indicating a high degree of genetic variation among H. aphyllum populations. The Mantel test presented a significant correlation between genetic distance and geographic distance. Additionally, the STRUCTURE analysis presented comprehensive information on the genetic structure of the studied H. aphyllum populations. The presence of genetic diversity and heterozygosity among H. aphyllum populations suggests local adaptation among populations, which may be due to the heterogeneity of environmental factors such as soil moisture and nutrients that create genetic heterogeneity.
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