Last year pepper growers observed symptoms referring to virus-infection in pepper plantations in plastic tunnels. Infected plants showed mosaic symptoms or mottling of the leaves, while on the fruits necrotic spots developed. These symptoms referred to a tobamovirus infection. Collected samples were examined by serological and pathological methods, followed by the biological characterisation of the isolates. For serological studies the DAS-ELISA method was used, in which the pathogen was identified as pepper mild mottle tobamovirus. During the pathological examination different host-plants have been used including some pepper varieties containing different L genes (L + –L 4). It was found, that the Hungarian isolates belonged to the P 1,2 pathotype and were closely related to the Spanish isolate (PMMV-S). PCR- studies proved the presence of the PMMoV P 1,2 pathotype in Hungary as well.