András Gerő Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Hungary

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The word “Jew” is used as a more or less self-evident identity category, even though the content it conveys has been just as much transformed by secularisation, modernisation, assimilation and acculturation as any other identity category. In the world before secularisation and the modern idea of the nation - up to the nineteenth century in Hungary - a Jew was somebody whose religion was Jewish. The internal cracks caused the Judaism-based concept of Jewishness in Hungary to fall apart within a couple of decades. The fragmentation of Jewry was no less down to the challenge of national and secular identities, but these challenges only took effect because of the confirmations they promised in different situations. Departing from traditional Jewish ways was “rewarded” by social and intellectual success. Zionism - whose founder, Theodor Herzl, was brought up in the culture of Budapest and Vienna - conceived Jewish identity as a national identity and attempted to bring Jews, who were following divergent routes, together through self-identification with the nation. The Holocaust did not change the historical nature of the disintegrated Jewish identity. The anti-Semitic, disenfranchising Hungarian national consciousness said: it does not matter what you are - if I say you are a Jew, you are a Jew. Communism said: it doesn't matter what you are, if you are not a Communist, you cannot be anything else.

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  • Khavanova, Olga
  • de Montety, Henri
  • Áron Orbán

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CiteScore 0.1
CiteScore rank Q4 (General Arts and Humanities)
SNIP 0.03
SJR index 0.101
SJR Q rank Q4

Hungarian Studies
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Hungarian Studies
Language English
Size B5
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Founder Nemzetközi Magyarságtudományi Társaság -- International Association for Hungarian Studies
H-1097 Budapest, Tóth Kálmán u. 4. B.8.41.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
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ISSN 0236-6568 (Print)
ISSN 1588-2772 (Online)