“I Have Seen a Wonderful Dream…”: “The Dream of the Most Holy Mother of God” Great Russian religious folk songs in Christian folk piety and magical practices. A possible source, and the oldest one, of the dream motif in “The Dream of Mary” is the dream of Mundane, which was reported by Herodotus and can be traced as far back as the ancient Persian times. It has however a more concrete relation to the tree of Jesse (Isaiah 11, 1–2), based on the prophecy of Isaiah, in which some very important events of the History of Redemption may also be represented instead of the ancestors of Christ. The closure has a function of key importance in the texts of “The Dream of the Mother of God”. Indulgence or pardon and remission of sins were often termed as the same, thus the differences in their meanings were lost. The closure suffered a distortion when people started to regard the heavenly powers (Christ and the Mother of God) as distributors of indulgence and started to use the prayers as well as songs deemed useful in the closures for magical purposes. The Russian adoption of the theme resulted in a complete loss of the Russian equivalent of “indulgence”.