The fragment we are publishing here is preserved in the Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage (the former China Institute of Cultural Relics). It is the 53rd leaf of an Uigur manuscript that contains the beginning of an unknown commentary to the Yuanjue jing. Other leaves of the same manuscript of the Hedin Collection in Stockholm were studied by K. Kudara in 1992.
Kudara, K. 百済康義 (1992): ウイグル訳『円覚経』のその註釈 [Uiguruyaku “Engakukyō” to sono chūshaku] (An Uigur Version of the Yuanjue jing and its Commentary). Ryūkoku kiyō 龍谷起要 14, pp. 1–23.
Kudara K. , 'ウイグル訳『円覚経』のその註釈 ' (1992 ) 14 Ryūkoku kiyō : 1 -23 .
Muller, Ch. (1999): The Sutra of Perfect Enlightenment. Korean Buddhism’s Guide to Meditation (With Commentary by the Sŏn Monk Kihwa). New York.
Shōgaito, M. 庄垣内正弘 (1993): 古代ウイグル本『阿毘逹磨倶舍論実義疏』の研究 [Kodai Uigurugomon “Abidatsuma gusha-ron jitsugisho” no kenkyū] (Studies in the Uighur Version of the Uighur Translation of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya-ṭīkā Tattvārthā), Volume II. Kyoto.
Zieme, P. (1999): The “Sūtra of Complete Enlightenment” in Old Turkish Buddhism. In: McRae, J. — Nattier J. (eds): Collection of Essays: Buddhism Across Boundaries — Chinese Buddhism and the Western Regions. Taipei, pp. 449–483.
Zieme, P. (2002): Ein weiteres alttürkisches Fragment des „Sūtras von der Vollkommenen Erleuchtung“. AOH 55, pp. 281–295.
Zieme P. , 'Ein weiteres alttürkisches Fragment des „Sūtras von der Vollkommenen Erleuchtung“ ' (2002 ) 55 AOH : 281 -295 .