The authors review the past century of Khitan studies in Hungary and introduce the latest achievements in this field in China, the country that has become the centre of academic scrutiny for the decipherment of Khitan script in recent decades. Arranged in a chronologic order for the first time, an exhaustive list of the main known Khitan Small Script monuments is also included, followed by a selected bibliography of essential pieces on Khitan studies.
Aisin Gioro, Ulhicun 爱新 觉罗 (2007): Qidan xiaozi «Jindai Bozhou fangyushi muzhiming» muzhu fei Yila Woliduo — jianlun Jinchao chuqi wu “Nüzhen Guo” zhi guohao 契丹小字〈金代 博州防御使墓志铭〉墓主非移剌斡里朵 — 兼论金朝初期无“女真国”之国号 [The tomb owner of the epitaph of the Defense Commissioner of Bozhou of the Jin period in the Khitan Small Script was not Yila Woliduo, and the dynasty name “Nüzhen Guo” did not exist at the beginning of the Jin period]. Manyu yanjiu 满语研究 No. 1, pp. 72–78.
Aisin Gioro, Ulhicun [Yoshimoto, Chieko 吉本, 智慧子] (2012): Kittan koaza no onga suitei oyobi sōkan mondai 契丹小字の音価推定及び相関問題 [Reconstruction of the phonetic values of Khitan Small Scripts and concerning problems]. Ritsumeikan bungaku 立命館文学 No. 627, pp. 157–129.
Bai Guang 白 光 –Zhang Hanying 张 汉英 (1994): Liaodai “Tan Shan” kao 辽代“炭山”考 [A study of Mount Tan of the Liao period]. Beifang wenwu 北方文物 No. 2, pp. 77–81.
Bao Lianqun 包 联群 (2002): «Nan[zhan] Buzhou Daliao guo Gu Dilie wang muzhiwen» de buchong kaoshi〈南[瞻]部洲大辽国故迪烈王墓志文〉的补充考释 [A supplementary study of the epitaph of the Late Prince Dilie of the Great Liao]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版) No. 3, pp. 15–19.
Bao Yuzhu 寶 玉柱 (2006): Qidan xiaozi ji qi tihuanzi yanjiu 契丹小字及其替換字研究 [Research on the Khitan Small Script character and its variants]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 1, pp. 8–12.
Chen Naixiong 陈 乃雄 (1987): Jin shinian lai woguo qidanzi yanjiu 近十年来我国契丹字研究 [Research on the Khitan script in our country over the past ten years]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 3, pp. 105–133.
Chen Naixiong 陈 乃雄 (1988): Qidanzi yanjiu shulüe 契丹字研究述略 [A brief survey of research on the Khitan script]. In: Eguchi, Paul Kazuhisa (ed.): Languages and History in East Asia. A Festschrift for Tatsuo Nishida on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday. Kyoto, Shokado, pp. 237–287.
Chen Naixiong 陈 乃雄 –Bao Lianqun 包 聮群 (2005): Qidan xiaozi yanjiu Lunwen Xuanbian 契 丹小字研究论文选编 Kitan baγ-a üsüg-ün sudulγan-u ügülel-üd [Research on the Khitan Small Script: a selection of papers]. Huhehaote, Nei Menggu Renmin chubanshe.
Chen Naixiong 陈 乃雄 –Yang Jie 杨 杰 (1999): Wurigentala Liaomu chutu de qidan xiaozi muzhiming kaoshi 乌日根塔拉辽墓出土的契丹小字墓志铭考释 [A study of the epitaph in the Khitan Small Script excavated from the Liao tomb at Wurigentala]. Xibei minzu yanjiu 西北民族研究 No. 2, pp. 72–88.
Chengel 清格勒 — Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2003): Qidan xiaozi «Huangtai shuzu aicewen» kaoshi 契丹小字〈皇太叔祖哀册文〉考释 [A study of the Khitan Small Script eulogy for the imperial grand uncle]. Minzu yuwen 民族语文 No. 5, pp. 13–19.
E’erdunbate’er 额尔敦巴特尔 (1996): Jianlun qidan dazi he nüzhen wenzi de bijiao yanjiu 简论契 丹大字和女真文字的比较研究 [Comparative research on the Khitan Large and Jurchen scripts: a brief discussion]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大 学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 3, pp. 50–58.
Fuxin xian wenhuaju wenwuzu 阜新县文化局文物组 (1977): Liaoning Fuxin xian Liao Xu wangmu qingli jianbao 辽宁阜新县辽许王墓清理简报 [A brief report on the inventory of the tomb of the Liao Prince Xu in Fuxin, Liaoning]. Wenwu ziliao congkan 文物资料丛刊 No. 1, pp. 84–87.
Gai Zhiyong 盖 之庸 (2002): Neimenggu Liaodai shikewen yanjiu 内蒙古辽代石刻文研究 [Research on the stone inscriptions of the Liao Period in Inner Mongolia]. Huhehaote, Nei Menggu daxue chubanshe.
Gai Zhiyong 盖 之庸 –Qi Xiaoguang 齐 晓光–Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2008): Qidan xiaozi «Yelü Fubushu muzhiming» kaoshi 契丹小字〈耶律副部署墓志铭〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Deputy Administrator Yelü in the Khitan Small Script]. Nei Menggu wenwu kaogu 内蒙 古文物考古 No. 1, pp. 81–111.
Gao Lujia 高 路加 (1988a): Qidan xiaozi fushu fuhao tansuo 契丹小字复数符号探索 [A study of the plural markers in the Khitan Small Script]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 2, pp. 18–23.
Gao Lujia 高 路加 (1988b): Qidan xingshi Yelü yinyi xintan 契丹姓氏耶律音义新探 [A new investigation into the pronunciation and meaning of the Khitan surname Yelü]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 4, pp. 70–82.
Gao wa 高 娃 (2014): 内蒙古大学所藏契丹字文献资料 [Khitan Script materials preserved by the Inner Mongolia University]. Zhongyang Minzu Daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 中 央民族大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 4, pp. 150–153.
Guo Tiangang 郭 添刚 –Cui Song 崔 嵩–Wang Yi 王 义–Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2009): Qidan xiaozi «Xiao Jushi muzhiming» kaoshi 契丹小字〈萧居士墓志铭〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Xiao Jushi in the Khitan Small Script]. Wenshi 文史 No. 1, pp. 227–256.
Han Baoxing 韩 宝兴 (1991): Qidan xiaozi «Yelü Renxian muzhi» kaoshi 契丹小字〈耶律仁先墓 志〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Yelü Renxian in the Khitan Small Script]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 1, pp. 70–78.
Han Shiming 韩 世明 –Yoshimoto, Chieko [Aisin Gioro, Ulhicun] 吉本 智慧子 (2007): Liang guo wang muzhi mingwen chushi 梁国王墓志铭文初释 [A first study of the epitaph of the Prince of Liang]. Minzu yanjiu 民族研究 No. 2, pp. 85–89.
Haneda Tōru 羽 田亨 (1925): Kittan moji no shin shiryou 契丹文字の新資料 [New data on the Khitan script]. Shirin 史林 Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 82–97.
Janhunen, Juha (2012): Khitan: Understanding the Language behind the Scripts. SCRIPTA No. 4, pp. 107–132.
Ji Shi 即 实 (1991): «Jiulin muzhi» jiaochaoben ji qita〈乣邻墓志〉校抄本及其它 [The edited copies of the epitaph of Jiulin and other matters]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 1, pp. 79–106.
Ji Shi 即 实 (1996): Milin Wenjing: Qidan xiaozi jiedu xincheng 谜林问径 — 契丹小字解读新程 [Seeking a path through a forest of riddles — A new stage in the decipherment of the Khitan Small Script]. Shenyang, Liaoning minzu chubanshe.
Ji Shi 即 实 (2012): Mitian gengyun — qidan xiaozi jieduxu 谜田耕耘 — 契丹小字解读续 [Thorough processing of a riddle — Continuing the decipherment of Khitan Small Script]. Shenyang, Liaoning minzu chubanshe.
Jin Guangping 光 平 (1962): Cong qidan da, xiaozi dao nüzhen da, xiaozi 从契丹大, 小字到女真 大, 小字 [From the Khitan Large and Small Scripts to the Jurchen Large and Small Scripts]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao 内蒙古大学学报 No. 2, pp. 9–14.
Jin Yufu 金 毓黻 (ed.) (1934): Liao Ling Shike Jilu 遼陵石刻集録 [Collection of inscriptions from the Liao tombs]. Fengtian, Guoli Fengtian Tushuguan.
Ji ruhe 吉 如何 –Wu Yingzhe 吴 英喆 (2009): Qidan xiaozi yuanzi zixing guifan yu yuanzi zongbiao 契丹小字原字字形规范与原字总表 [The standardisation of the Khitan Small Script character forms and a general list of the characters]. Nei Menggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexueban) 内蒙古大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) No. 3, pp. 127–132.
Kane, Daniel (2009a): The Kitan Language and Script. Leiden — Boston, Brill (Handbook of Oriental Studies / Handbuch der Orientalistik, Section Eight, Central Asia 19).
Kane, Daniel (2009b): Louis Kervyn, Joseph Mullie and the Beginnings of Khitan Studies. In: Rybatzki, Volker–Pozzi, Alessandra–Geier, Peter W.–Krueger, John R. (eds): The Early Mongols: Language, Culture and History. Studies in Honor of Igor de Rachewiltz on the Occasion of his 80th Birthday. Bloomington, Indiana, Indiana University, The Denis Sinor Institute for Inner Asian Studies (Indiana University Uralic and Altaic Series 173), pp. 79–90.
Kang Peng 康 鹏 –Zuo Lijun 左 利军–Wei Congcong 魏 聪聪 (2014): Liao “Gao Xuangui muzhi” kaoshi 辽<高玄圭墓志>考释 [A philological investigation of the eulogy of Gao Xuangui of Liao]. Beifang wenwu 北方文物 No. 3, pp. 79–82.
Kara, György (1975): A propos de l’Inscription de 1150 en écriture khitane. Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis, Sectio Linguistica No. 6, pp. 163–167.
Kara, György (1977): Xyatan bičgiin xoyor togtolcoonii tuxai [About the two systems of Khitan script]. In: Luvsandendev, A. (ed.): Olon ulsiin mongolč erdemtnii III-r ix xural. II. Ulaanbaatar, BNMAU Olon ulsiin mongolč erdemtnii ix xurliin baingiin xoroo, pp. 86–89.
Kara, Görgy (1987): On the Khitan Writing Systems. Mongolian Studies Vol. 10, pp. 19–24.
Kara, György [Qaradorǰi] (1988): Kitan-u baγ-a bičig dotoraki mongγol üges (Tobčilal) [Mongol words in the Khitan Small Script (Abstract)]. Öbür Mongγol-un Yeke Surγaγuli-yin erdem sinǰilgen-ü sedkül No. 1, pp. 55–56.
Kara, György (1996): Siniform Scripts of Inner Asia. Kitan and Jurchin. In: Daniels, Peter T.–Bright, William (eds): The World’s Writing Systems. Oxford — New York, Oxford University Press, pp. 230–238.
Kara, György (2000): Pre-Mongol and Mongol Writing. In: Asimov, M. S.–Bosworth, C. E. (eds): History of Civilization of Central Asia IV: The Age of Achievement: A.D. 750 to the End of the Fifteenth Century. Paris, UNESCO, pp. 335–337.
Kara, György (2005): Hit, hatalom és írás a mongol világban [Faith, power, and writing in the Mongol world]. In: Vizi E., Szilveszter (ed.): Székfoglalók a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián. 2001. Társadalomtudományok [Inaugural lectures before the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2001. Humanities]. Budapest, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, pp. 43–57.
Kervyn, Louis (1923a): Le tombeau de l’empereur Tao-tsong (1101) — Une découverte intéressante. Bulletin Catholique de Pékin Vol. 10, pp. 237–243.
Kervyn, Louis (1923b): Le tombeau de l’empereur Tao-tsong des Leao, et les premières inscriptions. T’oung Pao Vol. 22, pp. 292–301.
Klaproth, Julius (1823): Asia polyglotta. Paris, Schubart.
Li Dingkui 厲 鼎煃 (1954): Yixian chutu qidanwen muzhiming kaoshi 義縣出土契丹文墓誌銘 考釋 [A study of the Khitan epitaph excavated at Yixian]. Kaogu xuebao 考古學報 No. 8, pp. 203–211.
Li Wenxin 李 文信 (1954): Yixian Qinghemen Liaomu fajue baogao 義縣清河門遼墓發掘報告 [Report on the discovery of a Liao tomb at Qinghemen, Yixian]. Kaogu xuebao 考古學報 No. 8, pp. 163–202.
Liang Zhenjing 梁 振晶 (2003): Fuxin Sijiazi Liaomu fajue jianbao 阜新四家子辽墓发掘简报 [A brief report on the excavation of the Liao tomb at Sijiazi, Fuxin]. Liaoning kaogu wenji 辽宁考古文集 pp. 121–130.
Ligeti, Lajos (1927): A kitaj nép és nyelv [The Khitan people and their language]. Magyar Nyelv Vol. 23, pp. 293–310.
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Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1981): Qidan dazi he xiaozi de qubie 契丹大字和小字的区别 [The difference between the Khitan Large and Small Scripts]. Neimenggu shehui kexue 内蒙古社会科学 No. 5, pp. 105–112.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1982): Qidan xiaozi zhong de ji nian kaoshi 契丹字中的纪年考释 [A study of the year notations in the Khitan Large Script]. Minzu yuwen 民族语文 No. 2, pp. 49–53.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1983): Qidan xiaozi jiedu zaitan 契丹小字解读再探 [The Khitan Small Script: a reinvestigation]. Kaogu xuebao 考古学报 No. 2, pp. 255–270.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1987a): Ruogan qidan xiaozi de jiedu 若干契丹小字的解读 [The decipherment of some Khitan Small Script characters]. Minzu yuwen 民族语文 No. 1, pp. 62–65.
Liu Fengzhu 劉 鳳翥 (1987b): Qidan xiaozi jiedu santan 契丹小字解讀三探 [The Khitan Small Script: a third investigation]. In: Lianhe shuyuan sanshi zhounian jinian lunwenji 聯合書院 三十周年紀念論文集 [Memorial papers for the 30th anniversary of the United College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong]. Hong Kong, Xianggang Zhongwen daxue [The Chinese University of Hong Kong], pp. 153–161.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1992): Lüelun qidanyu de yuxi guishu yu tedian 略论契丹语的语系归属 与特点 [A brief discussion on the genetic position and special features of the Khitan language]. Dalu zazhi 大陆杂志 Vol. 84, No. 5, pp. 19–26.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1993a): Qidan xiaozi jiedu sitan 契丹小字解读四探 [The Khitan Small Script: a fourth investigation]. In: Chen Jiexian 陈 捷先 (ed.): Proceedings of the 35th Permanent International Altaistic Conference 第三十五届世界阿尔泰学会会议纪录 Di Sanshiwujie Shijie Aertai Xuehui Huiyi Jilu (September 12 — 17, 1992, Taipei). Taipei, National Taiwan University, pp. 543–568.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1993b): Ruogan qidan dazi de jiedu ji qita 若干契丹字的解读及其它 [The decipherment of some Khitan Large Script characters and other matters]. Hanxue yanjiu 汉学研究 Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 383–398.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1996): Qidan dazi zhong ruogan guanming he diming zhi jiedu 契丹字中若 干官名和地名之解读 [The decipherment of some official titles and place names in the Khitan Large Script]. Minzu yuwen 民族语文 No. 4, pp. 37–44.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (1998): Qidan dazi liushi nian zhi yanjiu 契丹大字六十年之研究 [Sixty years of research on the Khitan Large Script]. Zhongguo wenhua yanjiusuo xuebao 中国文化研 究所学报 No. 7, pp. 313–338.
Liu Fengzhu (1999): Seventy Years of Khitan Small Script Studies. In: Janhunen, Juha–Rybatzki, Volker (eds): Writing in the Altaic World. Helsinki, Finnish Oriental Society (Studia Orientalia 87), pp. 159–169.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2001): Zuijin 20 nian lai de qidan wenzi yanjiu gaikuang 最近20年来的契丹 文字研究概况 [A survey of research on the Khitan scripts during the last 20 years]. Yenching Journal of Chinese Studies (New Series) Vol. 11, pp. 205–246.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2002): Qidan xiaozi «Han Gaoshi muzhi» kaoshi 契丹小字〈韩高十墓 志〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Han Gaoshi in the Khitan Small Script]. In: Yifenji: Zhang Zhenglang xiansheng jiushi huadan jinian wenji 揖芬集〈张政烺先生九十华诞纪 念文集〉[Festschrift for Professor Zhang Zhenglang]. Beijing, Shehui Kexue Wenxian chubanshe, pp. 517–522.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2003): Jiedu qidan wenzi yu shenhua Liaoshi yanjiu 解读契丹文字与深化 辽史研究 [Deciphering the Khitan script and deepening the research on the history of the Liao dynasty]. Shixue huikan 史学汇刊 Vol. 18, pp. 187–201.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2004): Cong qidan wenzi de jiedu shuo «Dong Dan» guohao 从契丹字的解 读说〈东丹〉国号 [Explaining the dynasty name of «Dong Dan» on the basis of the decipherment of the Khitan script]. Dongbei Shi yanjiu 东北史研究 No. 1, pp. 41–42.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2005a): Qidan xiaozi «Xiao Temei / Kuoge Fuma Dier Furen Han Shi muzhiming » kaoshi 契丹小字〈萧特每•阔哥驸马第二夫人韩氏墓志铭〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Mme. Han, the Second Wife of the Imperial Son-in-Law Xiao Temei in the Khitan Small Script]. In: Jin Kuo 金 适 et al. (eds): Jin Qicong xiansheng shishi zhounian jinian wenji 金启孮先生逝世周年纪念文集 [Volume in memory of Professor Jin Jicong]. Kyoto, Nippon Toua Rekishi Bunka Kenkyuukai 日本東亞歷史文化研究會, pp. 191–197.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2005b): Bianfang Qidan wenzi hua tabei 遍访契丹文字话拓碑 [Surveying Khitan Script monuments and discussing the methods of making rubbings]. Beijing, Huayi chubanshe.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2011a): Qidan xiaozi “Xiao Dilu muzhiming” he “Yelü Lianning muzhiming” jun wei yanpin 契丹小字《萧敌鲁墓志铭》和《耶律廉宁墓志铭》均为赝品 [The Khitan Small Script Xiao Dilu epitaph and Yelü Lianning epitaph are fakes]. Zhongguo shehui kexuebao 中国社会科学报 2011.05.19/5, pp. 1–2.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2011b): Zai lun “Xiao Dilu muzhiming” wei yan pin shuo 再论《萧敌鲁墓 志铭》为赝品说 [Once again on the fakeness of the Xiao Dilu epitaph]. Zhongguo shehui kexuebao 中国社会科学报 2011.06.16/5, pp. 1–6.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2011c): Zai lun “Yelü Lianning muzhiming” wei yan pin shuo 再论《耶 律廉宁墓志》为赝品 [Once again on the fakeness of Yelü Lianning epitaph]. Zhongguo shehui kexuebao 中国社会科学报 2011.11.10/5, pp. 1–2.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 (2014): Qidan xiaozi <Gu Yelü shi mingshi> kaoshi 契丹小字< 故耶律氏铭 石> 考释 [Philological examination of the Gu Yelü shi inscription in Khitan Small Script]. Chifeng xueyuan xuebao (Hanwen zhexue shehui kexueban) 赤峰学院学报 (汉文哲学社会 科学版) No. 35, pp. 1–7.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 –Cong Yanshuang 从 艳双–Yu Zhixin 于 志新 — Narangua 娜仁 高娃 (2006): Qidan xiaozi «Yelü Cite / Wuliben muzhiming» kaoshi 契丹小字〈耶律慈特•兀里本墓 志铭〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Yelü Cite / Wuliben in the Khitan Small Script]. Yanjing xuebao 燕京学报 No. 20, pp. 255–277.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 –Dong Xinlin 董 新林 (2007): Qidan xiaozi «Salan/Shilu Taishi muzhibei» kaoshi 契丹小字〈撒懒•室鲁太师墓志碑〉考释 [A study of the epitaph of Salan/Shilu Taishi in the Khitan Small Script]. Kaogu 考古 No. 5, pp. 69–73.
Liu Fengzhu 刘 凤翥 — Qinggele 清格勒 (2003): ‘Qidan xiaozi «Song Wei Guo Fei muzhiming» he «Yelü Hongyong muzhiming» kaoshi’ 契丹小字<宋魏国妃墓志铭>和<耶律弘用墓志 铭>考释 [A study of the epitaph of the Late Imperial Consort of the States of Song and Wei and the epitaph of Yelü Hongyong in the Khitan Small Script]. Wenshi 文史 No. 4, pp. 194–208.
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