This paper presents results of a primary investigation of an Old Uyghur text written on a wooden plate discovered in the fourth layer of the cave NK 9 in the Tuyoq Grottoes in Turfan during the excavations carried out by a joint team of Chinese archaeologists between the autumn of 2010 and early summer of 2011. The text on Side A of the wooden plate is from the Old Uyghur translation of the Viśeṣa-cinti-brahma-paripṛcchā ‘Scripture of the inquiry of the Deity of Thinking’ and closely matches the Siyi fantian suowen jing 思益梵天所問經, translated into Chinese by Kumārajīva. The text on Side B of the wooden plate is also of Buddhist content and seems to be by the same scribe. Presumably, it is also from the Old Uyghur translation of the Viśeṣa-cinti-brahma-paripṛcchā, but it still needs a definite identification.
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