Moriyasu Takao 1973. ‘Uiguru to Toban no Hokutei sōdatsusen oyobi sonogo no Seiiki jōsei ni tsuite
ウィグルと吐蕃の北庭争奪戦及びその後の西域情勢について [The Uighur-Tibetan struggle for Bešbalïq and the subsequent situation in Central Asia].’ Tōyō gakuhō 東洋學報 55/4: 60–87.
Moriyasu Takao 1980. ‘La nouvelle interprétation des mots Hor et Ho-yo-hor dans le manuscrit Pelliot tibétain 1283.’ Acta Orientalia Hung. 34/1-3: 171–184.
Moriyasu Takao 1981. ‘Qui des Ouïgours ou des Tibétains ont gagné en 789-792 à Beš-balïq?’ Journal Asiatique 269: 193–205.
Moriyasu Takao 1985. ‘Uigurugo Bunken ウイグル語文献 [Uighur literature].’ In: Yamaguchi Zuihō 山口瑞鳳 (ed.) Kōza Tonkō 6. Tonkō Kogo Bunken 講座敦煌 6. 敦煌胡語文献. Tokyo: Daitō Shuppansha, 1–98. incl. 4 pls.
Moriyasu Takao 1991. ‘Uiguru Manikyō-shi no kenkyū ウイグル=マニ教史の研究 [A Study on the History of Uighur Manichaeism (Research on Some Manichaean Materials and their Historical Background)].’ [Ōsaka daigaku bungakubu kiyō 大阪大学文学部紀要 (Memoirs of the Faculty of Letters Osaka University) 31/32.] Osaka: Faculty of Letters, Osaka University.
Moriyasu Takao 2001. ‘Uyghur Buddhist Stake Inscriptions from Turfan.’ In: Louis Bazin & Peter Zieme (eds.) De Dunhuang à Istanbul. Hommage à James Russell Hamilton. [Silk Road Studies 5.] Turnhout: Brepols, 149–223.
Moriyasu Takao (in collaboration with P. Zieme) 2003. ‘Uyghur Inscriptions on the Banners from Turfan Housed in the Museum für Indische Kunst.’ In: Chhaya Bhattacharya-Haesner (ed.) Central Asia Temple Banners in the Turfan Collection of the Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin. Painted Textiles from the Northern Silk Route. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 461–474.
Moriyasu Takao 2004. The history of Uyghur Manichaeism on the Silk Road. Research on Manichaean sources and their historical background. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Moriyasu Takao 2015a. ‘New Developments in the History of East Uyghur Manichaeism.’ Open Theology 1: 316–333.
Moriyasu Takao 2015b. Tōzai Uiguru to Chūō-Yūrashia 東西ウイグルと中央ユーラシア [East and West Uighurs and Central Eurasia: Selected Papers by Moriyasu Takao]. Nagoya: Nagoya Daigaku Shuppankai.
Moriyasu Takao 2019. Corpus of the Old Uyghur Letters from the Eastern Silk Road [Berliner Turfantexte XLVI]. Turnhout: Brepols.
Moriyasu Takao 2021. ‘Zenkindai Chūō-Yūrashia no Toruko-Mongoru-zoku to Kirisutokyō 前近代中央ユーラシアのトルコ・モンゴル族とキリスト教 [Pre-Modern Turkic and Mongolian nomads in Central Eurasia and Christianity].’ Teikyō Daigaku Bunkazai Kenkyūsho Kenkyū Hōkoku 帝京大學 文化財研究所研究報告 [Bulletin of Research Institute of Cultural Properties Teikyo University] 20: 5–39 + 2 pls. in colour.
Moriyasu Takao 森安孝夫 & A. Ochir A. オチル (eds.) 1999. Mongorukoku genson iseki, hibun chōsa kenkyū hōkoku モンゴル国現存遺蹟・碑文調査研究報告 [(Provisional) Report of researches on historical sites and inscriptions in Mongolia (from 1996 to 1998)]. Toyonaka: Chūō Yūrashiagaku Kenkyūkai.
Yamada Nobuo 山田信夫 (edited and revised by Oda Juten 小田壽典, P. Zieme ツィーメ, Umemura Hiroshi 梅村 坦 & Moriyasu Takao 森安孝夫) 1993. Uiguru-bun keiyaku monjo shūsei ウイグル文 契約文書集成 / Sammlung uigurischer Kontrakte.’ 3 vols. Suita (Osaka): Osaka University Press.