Fermentation trials were conducted in all-malt wort with mixed cultures of SaccharomycescerevisiaeWS 34/70 and one of two non-Saccharomycesyeast strains: Saccharomycodesludwigiiand Torulaspora delbrueckiiDSM 70607. Interactions were observed between the two yeasts during the alcoholic fermentation process started with eight different initial cell ratios ranging from 1:1 to 1:20 (Saccharomyces yeast : non-Saccharomyces yeast). Composition of the medium greatly affected the cell yield, degree of attenuation and ethanol concentration due to the maltose-negative characteristic of the non-Saccharomycesyeast strains. Starting cell ratios had less effect on the outcome of the fermentation experiments. S. cerevisiaelimited the growth of T. delbrueckiito a great extent, overgrowing it in the course of fermentation. On the other hand, S. cerevisiaedid not grow as dynamically in mixed culture with S. ludwigiias the composition of the medium would have suggested.