Resistant starches (RS) can be used in the food industry aiming to enhance the dietary fibre content and reduce the glycaemic response of food. The aim of the present study was to investigate the physical and chemical properties of different resistant starches (origin, type of resistance) and their comparison with native starches in pure form and in stoichiometric mixtures. Measurements were carried out to determine enzymatic digestibility, water absorption, thermogravimetric parameters (DSC), and viscometric characteristics (RVA) of resistant and native starches and their mixtures. Enzymatic digestibility and water absorption were reduced linearly by adding resistant starches into the mixtures. RVA parameters have shown non-proportional character in the stoichiometric mixtures. The results of DSC measurements proved that the gelatinisation of resistant starches is quite different and only chemically modified resistant starch was heat-sensitive. Results indicated that circumspect evaluation is needed in the selection of resistant starch products for the development and innovation of food products with reduced glycaemic response.