The protein content, solubility and functional properties of a total protein concentrate prepared from the seeds of Ailanthus excelsa Roxb. were determined. The effects of pH and/or NaCl concentration on some of these functional properties were also investigated. The protein content of the seed protein concentrate was found to be 65.88%. The minimal protein solubility was observed at pH 4 and the maximum was at pH 12. Water- and oil-holding capacities of the seed protein concentrate were 2.77 g g −1 and 5.79 g g −1 , respectively. The emulsifying activity and emulsion stability, as well as foaming capacity and foam stability, were greatly affected by pH levels and salt concentrations. Lower values were observed at slightly acidic pH (pH 4.0) and high salt concentration. Total protein concentrate was highly viscous which depends on concentration and pH levels. The lowest gelation concentration of seed protein concentrate was found to be 14% and 8% when the proteins were dissolved in distilled water and 0.5 M or 1 M NaCl solution, respectively.