In the case of a widely used spice — Origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum — the effect of different drying methods (natural, and by using dryers at temperatures of 30°C, 40 °C, 45°C) was investigated referring to the essential oil amount and composition in the final material. The sensory characteristics of olive oils flavoured by the oregano samples were also determined. The essential oil amount and the area percentage of its main component — carvacrol — were significantly influenced by the different drying temperatures. Compared to the natural way of drying in the case of the essential oil content the drying temperature of 40°C and 45°C was preferable for the higher amounts. Referring to the carvacrol area percentage the drying temperature of 30°C resulted in the highest amounts (89.74±0.28%), that was affirmed by the sensory analysis as well; based on the taste descriptions the consumers found it the most pungent one. According to our results sensory analysis data in most of the cases corresponds to the GC-MS measurements and give a much more complex characterisation of a spice.