Proximate composition and physical parameters in nine quinoa cultivars were determined in order to establish differences among them and to contribute to their characterization. Faro, Pichaman, and Baer varieties cultivars were used. The aim of this research was to evaluate the physical and chemical properties and to characterize the protein fractions. All analysed properties showed significant differences between the cultivars. The physical measurements (weight, shape, size, and density) could be used for improving the technology associated with conditioning, transport, and storage of the grain. The protein content ranged from 15 to 18%, fat 6 to 8%, carbohydrates 70 to 74%, and ash from 3.5 to 4.4%, showing an outstanding nutritional profile. The relative quantity of soluble proteins (albumins and globulins) ranged from 40 to 65%, except in Faro variety cultivar, which presented 16%. The relative percentage of insoluble protein (prolamins and glutelins) ranged from 25 to 34%. The obtained information in this research could be useful in determining seed-quality, automating production, improving cultivation practices and technologies, and developing food products with enhanced nutritional qualities.