Lotus root is a popular vegetable known for its nutritional value and unique taste. However, it can be susceptible to heavy metal contamination, which has raised concerns about its safety for consumption. This study aimed to analyse the extent of heavy metal contamination in lotus roots and assess the potential health risks associated with their consumption. The results showed that all measured heavy metal concentrations were below the maximum allowable limits, with contamination indices for all metals across nine provinces remaining below 1.0, classifying the lotus roots as “safe” for consumption. Non-carcinogenic risk assessment using the THQ showed values below 1.0 for all heavy metals in both adults and children, indicating negligible health risks. The HI was calculated as 0.107 for adults and 0.126 for children, with arsenic contributing significantly to these values at 47.76% for adults and 39.55% for children. The carcinogenic risk assessment revealed Carcinogenic Risk (CR) values of 8.37 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.04 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.30 × 10−5 for As in adults, and 9.86 × 10−8 for Pb, 2.40 × 10−5 for Cr, and 2.71 × 10−5 for As in children. All CR values were within the acceptable range, indicating no apparent carcinogenic effects from lotus root consumption at current intake levels. However, it was noted that increased consumption could elevate risks associated with As, with limits of 174 and 93 g for adults and children, respectively, to maintain safety.
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