In the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus, due to the influence of Apollonius Rhodius, Jason, the main character of the epic, has several cloaks. The most important of these is the one Jason receives from Hypsipyle, when he leaves Lemnos. According to an ekphrasis in Book 2, two pictures woven on the cloak represent the rescuing of Thoas, father of Hypsipyle and the abduction of Ganymede. My paper analyses the function of the description of these representations in the Argonautica, besides, it examines the relationship between the two pictures described in the ekphrasis. It is argued that the purpose of Jason donating all his other cloaks (one from Cyzicus, one woven by his mother, and another one also given to him by Hypsipyle) is to emphasize the importance of the cloak he received from Hypsipyle and to remind the reader of her fidelity, in a further part of the epic.