The aim of this paper is to deal with the so-called Lesbian triad, documented by Sappho and Alcaeus, and to determine the nature of the festival and the sanctuary linked to it. I will deal with the problem of the identity of the gods, probably the same, that is Zeus, Hera and Dionysos in both literary sources. I will tackle also the issue of whether it is possible to talk about a Lesbian triad of gods, as supported since the last century, but that has been questioned recently. I will try to determine the main features of the festival, probably an annual celebration including beauty contests and commemorating the establishment of the Greeks in the island. The location of the holy precinct in which the festival took place has been very controversial, but the more believable hypothesis identifies it with a sanctuary by the name of Messon, located in the center of the island next to the old Pyrrha.
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