Franciscus Filelfus (Tolentino 1398 – Florenz 1481) is the author of the largest Humanistic correspondence in Latin and Greek. He is also a relevant source for the intellectual and political history of his times. In the 1420s, he gained a full knowledge of Greek in Constantinople, where he was integrated into Byzantine élite. In particular, the joint emperor John VIII Palaiologos appointed him as his personal secretary. On behalf of John, Filelfo attended in 1423 the international congress in Buda, where he met personally with the Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and other European leaders. In his Letters to Roman popes, kings and princes, the Italian humanist proposed himself as alter Nestor, the best man to give his advice on the war against the Turks in Central and South-Eastern Europe. He is particularly interested in Hungarian history. At this respect, he mentions the most important events relating to Hungarian resistance against the Ottoman empire such as the defence of Belgrade (Nándorfehérvár) in 1456. Therefore, he praises the exploits and military successes against the Turks pursued by the regent John Hunyadi and his son, King Matthias Corvinus who is remarkably worthy of admiration. Both are praised as defensores Christianitatis. Therefore, Filelfo assigns to Hungary and Hungarian people the leading role in the crusade against the Ottomans.