Techno-typological analysis of two chipped stone assemblages from Šenov-Salaš 1 and 4 in the Moravian Gate (Czech Republic) indicates they belong to the Aurignacian. The two assemblages, preferentially made of Baltic (erratic) flints, comprise few distinctive tool types, though. A statistical analysis was conducted to compare their raw material strategy, tool typology, and topography with other Moravian Aurignacian sites. It transpired that they answer to other Aurignacian sites in their specific topography, raw material strategy, and (a few) Aurignacian endscrapers, but both assemblages comprise few carinated burins. The altitude here is somewhat higher than that for most Moravian Aurignacian sites, but it is still probable that the two assemblages belong to the Aurignacian and that their rather atypical aspect (the small dimensions of artefacts, simple core preparation, few distinctive tools) are due to the small size of the processed flint nodules, which did not allow for thorough core preparation. Predominant plain butts, the virtual absence of archaic, or other distinctive tool types speak for either Evolved Aurignacian or some specific Aurignacian facies of the Moravian Gate. The assemblages cannot be linked with the young AMS 14C date 14 270 ± 40 uncal BP, acquired from a bone from the surface at Salaš 1, just slightly preceding the Moravian Magdalenian, as such a date would be too young not only for any Aurignacian but also for Epiaurignacian sites. Still, the Aurignacian estimation of the assemblages is interesting as the Moravian Gate comprises relatively few sites attributed to this Upper Palaeolithic culture.
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