Ildikó Fehér Művészettörténet Tanszék, Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem, H-1062, Budapest, Andrássy út 69–71.

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Csak nyomtatott formában érhető el. A Művészettörténeti Értesítő 2020-ig csak nyomtatásban jelent meg, a weboldalon csupán a tartalommal kapcsolatos alapvető információkat mutatjuk ezekről az évfolyamokról. A cikkeket a 70. kötettől (2021) jelentetjük meg online is.


It is well known that the core stock of the collection of the Budapest Museum of Fine Arts comprises works purchased by Károly Pulszky. Our knowledge of the director's purchases abroad is based on documents, invoices and letters kept in the Archives of the museum. A great part of these were published in the catalogue of the Pulszky Károly in memoriam exhibition (editor László Mravik, 1988). It revealed that the majority of works standing for the Italian school were bought from or through the good offices of Florentine art dealers between 1893 and 1895. The Pulszky family lived in Florence between 1860 and 1864. During that time the father Ferenc Pulszky visited the galleries of the best known art dealers such as Marco Guastalla and Alessandro Foresi. From the next decade, young Károly also appeared on the art market of Florence as a customer. In these years the sales and transfer of art works abroad were supervised by the regional office of the Rome-based Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione headed by the director of the Regia Reale Gallerie e Musei di Firenze. Ufficio Esportazione still active today was only established in 1909, but earlier export cases can also be researched in its archives. The export permits for art works to be shipped to Hungary in 1893–95 clearly reveal that Károly Pulszky also transported the works he had bought from local art dealers with the permission of this office.

The present paper highlights the export permits related to Pulszky's purchases of murals in Florence. The documents reveal that a somewhat larger number of frescoes came to the museum from Florentine art dealers than thought earlier, and our knowledge of the Italian fresco collection of the museum could be extended with some new information. It can also be specified whom Károly Pulszky bought works from, to whom he regularly returned in Florence. He had three permanent suppliers: Emilio Costantini, Achille Glisenti and Luigi Resimini. He made occasional purchases from another three dealers, Elia Volpi, Domenico Caligo and Sabatina Forti.

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Senior editors

Editor(s)-in-Chief: Jávor, Anna

E-mail address:

Name of the Institute: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria
Address of the Institute: Budapest, 1250, 31, Hungary


Editor(s): Mikó, Árpád

P.O. address: Budapest, 1250, 31, Hungary


Chair of the Editorial Board: Mojzer, Miklós

Name of the Institute: Szépművészeti Múzeum
Address of the Institute: 1146, Budapest, Dózsa György út 46., Hungary


Editorial Board

  • Galavics, Géza
  • Mravik, László
  • Nagy, Ildikó
  • Prokopp, Mária

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Hungarian Nationale Gallery
P.O. Box 31
HU–1250 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (36 1) 375 8858 ---- Fax: (36 1) 375 8898

CiteScore 0
CiteScore rank Q4 (Visual Arts and Performing Arts)
SNIP 0.938
SJR index 0.102
SJR Q rank Q4

Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Publication Model Print Only
Submission Fee none
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Printed Color Illustrations 40 EUR (or 10 000 HUF) + VAT / piece
Subscription fee 2025 Online subsscription: 154 EUR / 182 USD
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Művészettörténeti Értesítő
Language Hungarian
Size A4
Year of
per Year
per Year
Founder Magyar Régészeti és Művészettörténeti Társulat
H-1088 Budapest, Hungary, Múzeum krt. 14.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 1516 Budapest, PO Box 245.
Chief Executive Officer, Akadémiai Kiadó
ISSN 0027-5247 (Print)
ISSN 1588-2802 (Online)