Seven synthetic hexaploid wheats (Triticum dicoccum/Aegilops tauschii) were subjected for investigation. Numerical variation of chromosome number in F1 hybrids between three synthetics and common wheat varieties, was recorded. Hexaploid amphiploids (SHW) formed gametes with aneuploid chromosome number at a frequency of 13.2 and 14.8% as male and female parents, respectively. We speculated that the frequency of aneuploids in the generation might depend on variability of BAu- and D-genomes of synthetic parents, and could be used for increasing the genetic diversity in common wheat. The HMW-glutenins analysis divided two lines in SHW530 and 532 due to different genes present in the B-genome, and increased them to 9 synthetic lines. The subunits 1Dx1.5 + 1Dy10 was predominantly observed in the synthetics. Two other allelic variants 1Dx2 + 1Dy11 and 1Dx4 + 1Dy10.1 were found in four lines and appeared as new genes in SHW originated from Aegilops tauschii. The synthetic hexaploid lines could play a significant role as novel germplasm resources for improving the grain quality of bread wheat.
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