Various milling parameters, wet gluten content and key dough properties were analyzed for two sister lines of bread wheat with Ae. markgrafii introgressions in genetic background of cultivar Alcedo carrying a set of sub-chromosomal alien segments on chromosomes 2AS, 2BS, 3BL, 4AL and 6DL. The lines revealed higher grain vitreousness, larger particle size of flour, and higher wet gluten content in grain compared to cv. Alcedo. The flour from these lines also showed excellent water absorption and developed more resilient dough. The introgressions in the Alcedo genome caused no reduction in 1,000-grain weight. General improvement of the grain technological properties appears to be the result of introgressions into 2AS, 2BS and 3BL chromosomes. Coincidence of locations of Ae. markgrafii introgressions in chromosome with the QTLs positions for technological traits, revealed in bread wheat mapping populations, is discussed.