The position of Pu/III/ within lanthanides in respect to G0, H0 and S0 of complex formation with nitrate and thiocyanate ligands was determined by the extraction method. It was found that in respect to G0, Pu/III/ is a light pseudolanthanide for nitrate ligands and a heavy pseudolanthanide for thiocyanate ligands. A comparison of the positions of Pu/III/ and Am/III/ in respect to G0, H0 and S0 shows that the radius of plutonium is greater than that of americium in the An/NO3/ 52– complex and smaller in the An/NCS/3/TBP/n complex. The increase in the radii between plutonium and americium in the thiocyanate complex points out to a contribution from 5f orbitals to bonding.