Six samples of harmattan dust collected over three seasons of harmattan in Nigeria were analyzed for 29 elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The mean concentrations are (in g/g): Al, 61100; As, 6.59; Au, 0.16; Ba, 695; Br, 195; Ce, 122; Cl, 6200; Co, 20.9; Cr, 119; Cs, 2.72; Eu, 1.31; Fe, 43 1000; Ga, 21.9; Hf, 8.05; K, 15700; La, 53.9; Mg, 8700; Mn, 825; Na, 6400; Rb, 82.4; Sb, 32.7; Sc, 10.3; Se, 6.61; Sm, 6.50; Th, 14.0; Ti, 4900; U, 6.28; V, 81.6; Zn, 2200. The results are compared to similar recent studies in the German Democratic Republic.