The paper discusses the possibilities of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy and instrumental neutron activation analysis in the investigation of environmental pollutions. The X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy of samples was performed using the MECA-1044A analyzer (XR-500, LINC SYSTEMS, Great Britain) with a pulsed X-ray tube with a silver target as a source of excitation. Neutron activation analysis was carried out on the basis of two reactors: IBR-2 LNP JINR, Dubna, and TWR ITEP, Moscow. The optimal regimes of measurement for both methods as well as the detection limits corresponding to these regimes are given. To illustrate the perspectives of the methods, the ecological problem of the consequences of introducing into soil of the now available meliorator CaSO4·2H2O is solved in the paper. Data on absorption of trace elements in a wide range including rare-earth elements by agricultural plants are presented. This paper may be of interest for specialists in analytical chemistry and ecology.