Fifteen maple syrups were analyzed for137Cs and K (via40K) by using a low-background -ray counting system, and for B and K by using neutron capture prompt -ray activation analysis (PGAA). For low-background -ray counting, 3 limits of detection (24-hour counts) were 0.03 Bq137Cs/kg and 10 mg K/kg for 3.5-L portions and 0.08 Bq137Cs/kg and 20 mg K/kg for 1.0-L portions. K concentrations determined by the two methods (using 2-g portions for PGAA) were in excellent agreement. The products were obtained in 1991, with one produced in Maryland, three in New York, four in Pennsylvania, two in New Hampshire, and five in Canada. The average activity concentration for Canadian syrups (2.8 Bq137Cs/kg) was nearly a factor of 20 greater than the average (0.15 Bq137Cs/kg) for the other syrups, but all137Cs activity concentrations were at least 100 times lower than those for which controls would be recommended according to Federal Radiation Council guidance. The data exhibited distinct groupings related to the sources of the products when the ratios of137Cs activity to K content (BqCs/mgK) were plotted vs. B concentrations.