A large volume scintillation cell (LVSC) for radon activity concentration measurements has been reported at MARC-IV. The present paper describes improvements in the detection efficiency of the LVSC and results of the radon activity concentration measurements for indoor air that were performed using the improved LVSC. The cell is a cylindrical shape and has two photomultiplier tubes that are attached to a condensing lens on the photocathode so as to provide good light collection. Individual counting efficiencies were determined to be 0.48 for 222Rn, 0.55 for 218Po, and 0.61 for 214Po. The average counting efficiency per alpha-particle from the radon and its short half-life progenies was 0.55. This value is smaller than the original value reported by LUCAS of 0.86. However, the sensitivity is approximately eight times higher than that of the Lucas cell, which has a smaller volume. A background counting rate of 0.015 cps was obtained. The lower limit of detection (LLD) for the measurements was estimated using the average background counts, the detection efficiency and measurement time. The LLD at 80% statistics confidence limits was less than 10 Bq/m3 when counted within two hours.