A neutron detector based on detection of the prompt gamma-radiation emitted as a result of neutron interaction with a suitable neutron absorber is described. Boron-10 loaded polyethylene is used as the neutron converter. Neutrons are thermalized in the polyethylene and are subsequently absorbed by 10B. The result of the neutron absorption is production of 7Li, in the excited state (7Li*) and an alpha-particle. This occurs for 94% of the absorbed neutrons. The 7Li* (T1/2 = 10-13 s) emits a 477.6 keV gamma-ray ("prompt" gamma-ray) after it is formed and may be detected in a gamma-ray spectroscopy system. Since the "prompt" gamma-ray peak is Doppler broadened – the recoiled 7Li* emits the gamma-ray on "fly" – it is easily distinguishable from other non-capture gamma-ray peaks. The neutron converter, 10B loaded into a polyethylene end cap placed on the standard gamma-ray spectroscopy detector, adds the neutron detection capability without impeding the system's gamma-ray spectroscopy characteristics. Results for detection of neutrons from a moderated 252Cf source are presented.