The concentrations of some essential micronutrient elements leadingto short-lived activation products in four Nigerian vegetable based oils (palmoil, palm kernel oil, sheabutter and groundnut oil) have been determined byneutron activation analysis using a small research reactor. One sample ofeach material was analysed and presented as an introduction for further investigations.Results indicate that the concentration range of the elements are 19.4–44.0µg/g for Al; 30.0–81.0 µg/g for Ca; 11.9–60.4 µg/gfor Cl; 1.43–5.96 µg/g for Cu; 7.3–28.1 µg/g for Mg;0.47–1.69 µg/g for Mn; 17.5–72.8 µg/g for Na and 0.04–0.07µg/g for V. The experimental procedure is suitable for routine determinationof micronutrient element in foods for control and monitoring purposes.